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Installation Blast- and Paint Room

Recently, Sybrandy, part of Airblast Group, finalized a new project for a Dutch customer. The total project was ready within 3 months after drawing assignment!

Project size: 1 x blast room dimensions 19 x 7 x 6 meters, 1 x paint room equipped with 2 paint spraying walls with a surface of 10 x 15 meters and 1 paint room with the dimensions 27 x 15 x 12 meters.

In the blast room 2 types of abrasive can be used and 2 blasters can work at the same time. The abrasives are automatically separated by means of a magnet system.

Interesting is that the blast room and paint room are fitted with LED lighting. This LED lighting has the advantage that the light on the floor is almost equal to daylight. Total consumption is only 1600 Watts. Also electric doors are fitted for access.

For (warm) air input In the paint room heating equipment is installed which can heat up the large hall. Before or after paint spraying there is the possibility of recirculating which saves energy. The second painting room is heated by the air of the compressors.

The two types of abrasives blasting media are supplied by Airblast Abrasives.


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